Friday, September 4, 2009

got himself a girlfriend

My baby is growing up. He has a girlfriend!

Now, this is not his first girlfriend by any means but this one is different because he is secretive about it. In his words, "this is my personal business, Mom."

Noah has always been a little heart breaker, having "girlfriends" as early as preschool. In first grade he had 4 girlfriends in one week! Last year, he was on again, off again with a couple of girls but would always talk to me about it.

Today, he asks me if we're buying him a cell phone this weekend. (something we've been talking about) I said we might go looking and he exclaimed, "YES!" I figured he was just glad to finally be at that stage but instead he said, "Now I can call my girlfriend."

My radar went off immediately and I started in on questions, maybe a little too soon and persistently. He informed me quickly this was private stuff, not even giving me a name. He said, "Mom, you always pick on me and embarrass me about girls. I'm not talking."

And so for now his lips are sealed. But my ears are perked and ready for more news....