Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Memories

Noah lost his tooth a few days ago and decided to "hold onto it" until Christmas Eve. He figured he'd save the Tooth Fairy some gas money, as she could just hitch a ride with Santa!

I think this was the first year he actually woke us up! Around 3 am, he came busting into our room yelling, "Santa Came!" I asked if he'd like to snuggle awhile longer and he would have nothing of it...oh well, I tried!

So Tim & I gladly rolled out of bed before dawn to watch him gleefully open gifts, squealing with delight at each package. He was so cute opening them and would say, "You are the best parents!" or "this is my favorite!" or "I'm so grateful!" through it all.

We have lots of arts and crafts to work on for the remainder of break, along with Nerf guns, dartboards and magic rocks. One of the coolest toys was a flying UFO that hovers over his hand and some nano bugs. Of course, there are a few video games tossed in for good measure and lots of other toys and trinkets.

Tim and I were then able to sneak a bit more sleep in while Noah stayed up to play with his new gifts. He came in the room around 5 am and I talked him into using his new body pillow to lay with us awhile. It took a matter of seconds for him to be snoozing away until the alarm woke us for breakftast at Mom's.

Country ham, biscuits, gravy and all the sides at Mamaw B's...yum, yum. Noah was happy about his loot gathered of the list being his crayon maker, more Bakugan toys and other goodies.

The afternoon was spent at home, Tim snoozing, me resting and Noah nose deep in all his toys. We'll head over to Mamaw June's in a bit for some Christmas dinner and even MORE presents before the day is done....whew!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Go Beavers!

My little guy is an official BD Beaver! Noah started playing school basketball this year. He's only played Upward basketball so this is all fairly new to him.

His first game was this week and although they lost, he played a good game.

I love to hear his name get called out during the starting line-up. And although he is usually one of the tallest on the court, he still seems so cute.

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Noah has improved so much this season, even though they've only played a few games. He had such a great game last week, making an awesome 3 point shot that was Nothing But Net! He has also learned to use his size as an advantage and has become quite the blocker. I was amused to overhear the other team complaining, "I can't do anything because that 40 is on my back!"

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It tickled me the other night as we arrived to Noah's game. All of the sudden a big smile ran across his face and he exclaimed a big, "YES!" complete with arm movements. A short breath later he said...."We have cheerleaders tonight!"
That's my boy :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

the dentist

Noah has had a baby tooth loose but not loose enough for a few months. When he was at his last checkup Dr. Wilson scheduled an appointment to pull it, unless he lost it beforehand. It was delaying the growth of his adult tooth coming through and we feared it would grow in crooked.

On the week leading up to it, Noah said every day, "I'm not going to the dentist" and he wiggled and wiggled the tooth. The day of he said the same thing and kept wiggling. At the dentist he showed me and half of it was still pretty secure when they called him back.

He was gone, maybe 2 minutes, and came back out with gauze in his mouth. I said, "Wow! That was fast. See, it wasn't that bad, huh?" To which he quickly corrected me that he pulled it himself. I was confused.

The staff came out laughing and Dr. Wilson confirmed that yes, he did pull it himself. Right as he was walking in, Noah yanked it out. As we were leaving, Noah mentioned that because he went to the trouble of pulling it himself, the tooth fairy should really leave him extra.

I'm happy to report she did.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Skin Doctor

Noah has had a rash for several weeks so I made him an appointment with a dermatologist.

Of course, the word of any "doctor" makes Noah nervous, so he was not excited. I thought it would cheer him up to know he'd be picked up from school early but when he learned what time he said, "O gee, I'll miss one class."

We pulled in and he made a comment about the size of the building. "I bet this place has an elevator! Why would a skin doctor need so many rooms!" he said. After we sat down inside, his wheels still turning, he commented that "there are no kids my age in here". I tried to point out other kids his age (although the room was 90% senior citizen center) but he was still nervous.

When we went back, he was interested in all the tools and gadgets. I was pleased the assistant was cheerful and played right along with endless array of questions. Noah loved the science of it all. He is still talking about the orange goop she scraped his rash in to see if turns purple or green, meaning a fungus.

However, when the doctor mentioned "checking his mole" his eyes got big and he mouthed to me, "what does that mean?!" He was happy to learn it only involved a photograph and that his mole turned the light green - meaning he was ok and no cutting would be involved!

In the end, no major trauma for the day and I think he maybe even enjoyed his trip. I was thoroughly amused by his reactions, as usual! I love my crazy, silly, inquisitive guy.

Friday, October 23, 2009

more fall break moments

Tuesday was "Mom & Noah" day, as Tim's vacation didn't start until Wed.

We headed for Owensboro for some sushi. Noah has always loved sushi but wasn't fond of the ending of this visit. He ordered spicy tuna rolls, which are one of his favorites; however, this restaurant makes them SUPER hot. It was too hot for him so we swapped. Mine had little orange bits on them, which he kept questioning what they were. When the waitress told him "fish eggs" I thought he might vomit right there. He said, "we must go to the emergency room immediately" to which I about peed by pants!

I was hoping we could laugh about it but I think it really traumatized him. We had to have an entire discussion about eggs and I tried to use fried chicken eggs as an example but he would have nothing of it. I think I lost my sushi buddy! ...but it was a funny moment.

We then spent the afternoon randomly driving around on backroads and taking pictures. He is growing so fast and I wanted to capture him amongst the changing trees. He is such a funny kid and we spent the rest of the day laughing, stopping for a quick photo, running back to the truck and more laughing.

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Wed was all about family time! Tim's first day of fall break and we headed for Louisville. We spent most of the day at the zoo, taking our time to explore. I let Noah stay as long as he wanted at each animal and he loved it. The zoo was fun too because it was decorated for Halloween so there were lots of cute displays, which made for some funny photos!

We ended with a surprise stop at joe's crab shack, which he'd never been to. Noah loves crab so he was in love with the place (and my plate!). Two spilled drinks (yes, 2 and at separate times!), a bucket of crabs and loads of shrimp, followed by a walk along the river, made for a great finish to the day.

My evening ended listening to Tim & Noah play miniature golf on the Wii. All in all, great day.

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Thursday was a lazy, busy day full of nothing much. Tim & I both had some projects we wanted to complete in the morning so it gave Noah some time to relax and play video games. We went to see "Where the Wild Things are" that night, which wasn't a great movie but good time together. The evening ended with Noah reading to us, which always makes for the best bedtime story.

Monday, October 19, 2009

staycation memories

Noah and I greatly enjoyed the first day of our "staycation" this fall break.

We carved more pumpkins and shared some laughs.
We ate breakfast and lunch at the same time.
He beat me by about 300 points in Yahtzee! That kid needs to roll dice in Vegas...

We spent the afternoon snuggling in the bed, playing "I Spy" and sharing many more laughs.
He then helped me cook a yummy dinner of grilled pork chops, corn on the cob and hot potato salad. I didn't know if we'd have any boiled eggs left for the salad, as he kept sneaking them. He even ate the yellow, which surprised me. His answer was, "I like them now, I've gone through puberty." He cracks me up!

Of course, no meal is complete without brownies. He was thrilled that I let him have the entire spoon and bowl to lick at the end.

All in all it was a wonderful day of nothing much and everything special. Can't wait for day 2!

Friday, September 4, 2009

got himself a girlfriend

My baby is growing up. He has a girlfriend!

Now, this is not his first girlfriend by any means but this one is different because he is secretive about it. In his words, "this is my personal business, Mom."

Noah has always been a little heart breaker, having "girlfriends" as early as preschool. In first grade he had 4 girlfriends in one week! Last year, he was on again, off again with a couple of girls but would always talk to me about it.

Today, he asks me if we're buying him a cell phone this weekend. (something we've been talking about) I said we might go looking and he exclaimed, "YES!" I figured he was just glad to finally be at that stage but instead he said, "Now I can call my girlfriend."

My radar went off immediately and I started in on questions, maybe a little too soon and persistently. He informed me quickly this was private stuff, not even giving me a name. He said, "Mom, you always pick on me and embarrass me about girls. I'm not talking."

And so for now his lips are sealed. But my ears are perked and ready for more news....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

funny phrases

I wish I kept a notebook by my side to write down all the funny things Noah says. Tim and I chuckle every night about something he has said.

Last night, he was perched outside the bathroom door in the hall. Tim was in the bathroom and I figured he planned to scare him as he came out. (they do this a lot) Instead, Tim opens the door and Noah stands, hand on hip, with his other hand pointing and says, "You march yourself right back in there and wash your hands!" He sounded just like a parent! And Tim retreated just like a scorned child to clean up! (he knows better anyway!) But it sure was funny watching the interaction.

This afternoon, he comes in to ask me how to spell a word. Actually, it is about the fifth word he's asked about and every time I make him spell it first. He is always right but second guesses himself. At this word, he asks, spells, I nod and he walks away, shaking his head. He says to himself, "Go with your gut, Noah!" as he returns to his room.

He is just such a funny guy! :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

first 100%

Noah has really enjoyed school so far and is trying so hard to do well. He even got a nice note from his teacher today, commenting on how well he is doing.

Today, he was excited to share that he made his first perfect grade - an A+ - 100%! He said the teacher was going around the room, going over mistakes and missed questions. She called on everyone sitting beside him until he was the about the only child left. Noah said he panicked, thinking, "I have failed this!" I guess he thought she was saving the worst for last. He was pleasantly surprised though when she called on him and congratulated his grade!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

4th grade

Noah was happy getting off the bus this afternoon, which was a good sign for the first day. As soon as he walked in the door, he said, "how long was I at school?" I said, "about 8-9 hours." He said, "Wow! it felt more like 8 or 9 minutes!" I hope this attitude lasts all year!

tubing down the river

This is the first year we've had a boat and all of us have really enjoyed it this summer.

Of course, I always get most of my enjoyment out of watching Noah experience new things. I will always remember the look on his face the first time we "set sail" and boated down the river. And the first time his dad let him take a turn driving. He felt like king of the water, I'm sure. I also fondly remember his great big smile the first time he jumped in the river off the boat. We've enjoyed many "firsts" on the boat this season and I'm thankful for every memory.

One of my favorites was watching him tube for the first time. I hesitated in purchasing it, even though it was on summer clearance, because I wondered if he'd be too scared to use it. However, from the moment we took off with him soaring on the waves behind, he was hooked! He loved every minute of it, smiling from ear to ear. If Tim went too fast, his face was quick to reveal that but overall he became a quick fan of tubing. With the weather and being so late in the season, we haven't been able to tube as much as we'd hoped but it was well worth the purchase. Next year I'm sure he'll be bigger and eager to ride even faster and larger waves. And I'll be right there at the back of the boat, cheering him on.

Friday, August 7, 2009

stylin' lil man

Noah is really cute this year, at the age where he is starting to care about what he wears and how he looks. He has enjoyed picking out clothes and shoes and is so cute when he struts around modeling them.

I've been amused at him all day, trying to keep his new shoes white and clean. Anytime he saw a nick or mark, he'd be bent over cleaning it up. He told me he wanted to try and keep the bottoms cleaned! I quickly tried to convince him that was impossible and I think he's figured that out.

This afternoon we picked up a few school supplies needed to finish him up and checked out the clearance section in the clothing department. He found this adorable black hat that looked even cuter on and had to have it. He said, "Mom! It is a deal, only $3 normally $15!" How can I say no to that?!

I've enjoyed watching him wear the hat and he loves it when someone comments on it. We stopped at the gas station on the way home and he went inside to get a coke. It took him awhile and when he came out he said, "I know, it took longer because the lady had to talk about my hat. Do you know she is like the 4th person to say I'm cute today?" people. :)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

final days of freedom

Tim and I decided to take a few days off this week and have one long, final weekend with Noah before school started. And I'm so glad we did.

We had such a good weekend with him and I think he had a wonderful vacation with us.

Saturday we spent the entire day on the boat, not coming in until nearly dark. He enjoyed boating with his cousins, Haylea and Tina. Both he and Tina had a blast on the tube. The weather was perfect, even though rain was predicted. There was a lot of trash in the river, as a result of the storms the night before, but we made the most of it and had fun anyway.

Sunday we woke up, had a big breakfast, and headed for Bowling Green. I booked us a room at a hotel for a couple nights (one of Noah's requests) and it helped make it feel more vacation-like too. We arrived early so we spent a couple hours at the mall, where Noah wanted absolutely everything he saw!

He was excited upon checking in to the hotel. I'm always amazed at what excites children. This hotel has a cascading waterfall that you can see on every floor. He loved throwing pennies into it and to try and reach each balcony with different coins. He also got a big kick out of getting ice from the ice machine (go figure!). And he spent several moments in the bathroom playing with the mini hair dryer. I just enjoyed watching him enjoy everything.

We were lazy the first night, just playing in the pool and going to dinner. Although his age still allows him to order from the kid's menu, his appetite has surpassed it. He ate his portion and helped himself to most of my ribs and part of Tim's plate too.

Monday we had breakfast in the hotel lobby and Noah enjoyed having waffles made for him. He also got a kick out of the fact that his meal was free and he could eat all wanted. (my wallet was happy too!)

We then set off for Beech Bend, the biggest request on his list. All three of us had a good time, riding rides and being together. Tim surprised me by riding a few rides (he is scared of heights so that is rare for him to try).

I loved the Sea Dragon, which came from Neverland, and was apparently Michael Jackson's favorite ride. They played only his music and had a tribute wreath in front of the ride. Noah rode with me but did not enjoy it like I did. As soon as the boat started to sway, his face dropped. I said quickly, "Please don't throw up me!" And I'm thankful he did not. However, I wasn't able to fully enjoy that ride for the fear he would.

Noah's favorite ride was a ride where the smallest person squishes the other as the carts criss-cross and circle around. He got a kick out of squishing me and then Tim. I didn't tell him that I was chanting to myself, "Please don't throw up on yourself!" throughout the ride. He then rode it about four times in a row by himself.

While there, we played a round of miniature golf. Tim is usually the champ at this game but Noah gave him a run for his money. He got several amazing hole in one shots. At the 17th hole, he hit too hard and his ball landed in the water mill's pond. Ignoring the posted sign, "Do not enter pond" he ducked under the rope to retrieve it. I saw what happened next from the moment his foot entered the concrete pond. Noah leaned in to reach the ball, as it was whirling in circles from the motion and slipped on the algae-covered sides. Instantly, his eyes widened like saucers as he slipped into the water. Tim was right there, with a golf club to pull him out. I was secretly giggling (because I knew he was safe and knew he'd be mad if he saw me) as I watched the two of them arrive back on shore. He took it like a trooper though and said, "Well, at least I'm cooled off now!"

We spent the last half of the day of there, watching him play in Splash Lagoon. He makes friends so easily and enjoyed playing with the other kids. One of the last things we did there was watch a magic show. The best part was that he picked Tim from the crowd to help. Tim was taken backstage by the lovely assistant, probably the only reason he agreed. A few minutes later he came out wearing a long "dolly parton" wig, a pink polka dot bra and floral skirt. It was the highlight of the day for me! Noah laughed so hard I thought he might wet his pants (except for the fact they were already wet from the day's activities). It was a funny end to a great day at the park.

Noah wanted to go into their game room but we tired, hot, thirsty and hungry at this point. Instead of walking back to the car to retrieve more cash, I suggested Chuck E Cheese. And that was all it took. Noah excitedly ran to the truck, ready for the next adventure. Tim and I were tired and our feet throbbing but he had such a good time. We spent a couple hours there before heading back to the hotel for a dip in the pool.

At the pool, Noah quickly made friends with several other boys and they enjoyed playing volleyball. What we thought was a quick dip lasted a couple of hours and we had to drag him out in the end. It was worth it though to see him smile and having such fun.

So, our big vacation of the summer didn't include airfare or beaches. No big souvenirs or major landmarks to see. Just a simple, long weekend with each other, less than an hour from home. And it was wonderful.

Friday, July 31, 2009

my skull is on tv?

We were watching tv last night, all cuddled up in our bed. It is something we do nearly every night. Tim was watching the news and they showed a segment on Noah's new school.

Several moments passed, Noah and I were tickling and giggling and winding down for the night. I asked him, "What did you think of your school on tv?"

He looked at me with a blank stare.

"Did you like seeing the pictures? Your school is humongous!" I said.

(Still blank stare) "Where is that coming from?" he asked.

I chuckled, "Didn't you just see you school on tv?"

Why are they showing my skull on tv?" he asked.

And then I busted out laughing. Yep, I'm a country girl and I've been told I have an accent but I didn't think I pronounced school like skull. Guess it sounded like it to him!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

big man on campus

Noah is fairly excited to be a 4th grader this year. He had mentioned it several times and even uses it for bargaining, as needed. For instance, if we are discussing him needing to go to bed or not being old enough for something, he'll say, "but I'm a 4th grader now!"

I am actually amazed at how much he has grown this summer. In just two short months, his appearance has changed, he has grown taller, and the signs of a baby face are quickly fading. His interests have changed and I can truly see a difference in maturity. My little guy is growing up!

He is caring more about what he looks like, which is cute to me, but he sure doesn't like me bringing it up to anyone. All week, he has wanted me to stop into a local store, so he could check out an outfit they had hanging in the window. Who knew boys even noticed window advertisements? Luckily, the mannequin was just his size and he was happy to bring it home. Noah looked so cute strutting out of the fitting room, after trying it on. How could I resist?

And this morning, I had to "curl his hair" before he went to day camp. He was so picky, taking extra time in the mirror to make sure each curl was in the right spot. I assume there is a certain little girl that has sparked this sudden attention to detail, which makes me smile. She just better not break his heart!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

shipwrecked on a private island

We went on an impromptu camping trip this weekend, to make use of the unseasonal weather. You just don't see 60 degrees in July!

Noah has been wanting to go camping for awhile and we found the perfect spot. You can only access by boat so it was peaceful, private and just what we needed.

We packed the boat with a tent, food and fishing supplies and hit the water. By the time we got camp set up, we were all hungry so we broke for a picnic on the rocks. Sandwiches are just cooler outdoors!

The boys laughed at me scouting out a temporary bathroom, complete with rock that made a nice seat and a roll of tp on a stick. And they laughed when I slipped in the mud while gathering campfire wood (after they made sure I was ok).

I got the last laugh though, when I saw them both get soaked from pulling in a big fish! It was a little scary for Noah at first but he then never argued about having his life vest on when walking around the river. And they were sure happy I packed extra clothes to change into.

Noah enjoyed finding a nest of tiny, baby frogs and catching fish. He loved exploring the island and spending time with us. We giggled and enjoyed the quiet of nature.

We watched the stars come out and enjoyed a big campfire to roast hot dogs and make s'mores. As darkness grew and sounds of nature increased, Noah decided it was "tent time" so we moved inside. He was a little nervous hearing the coyotes in the distance and complained about how loud the crickets were but daddy's arm was no match and he was asleep on his chest in moments.

The morning was beautiful, watching the mist rise off the river and the sun come through the trees. Tim and enjoyed cups of hot coffee and watching dozens of birds eat breakfast as bugs gathered at the water's edge. Such simple moments but it was wonderful just being together, uninterrupted and with no responsibilities.

Noah woke up to find us fishing and said, "I can't believe you people! It is like 6 am and you are fishing!?" We had a great time being 'shipwrecked on our own private island'.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

3rd wheel

Tim and I have always gone away for our anniversary.

I hesitated this year, not really wanting to leave Noah. However, I knew our marriage needed some reconnecting time - we needed couple time, considering the past few months.

As I began to make plans, Noah was curious and wanted to know all about it. (I had planned the trip as a complete surprise to Tim. He had no clue where we were going, what we were doing etc. The day of the trip, I set the GPS and he just followed the directions.) However, as I would tell Noah about a planned activity, he'd regret asking and would want to come along.

One day, he told me he'd figured out a way he could go too. He said, "Mom. I can go on this romantic trip and you won't even know I'm there. I know the bed is small so I'll just sleep in the closet. When you go out to eat, I'll sit two tables away. If you go on an outing, I'll stay back at the house." He had it all figured out!

Of course, in the end, he didn't get to go. I had to find humor though in his plan. When we'd go out to eat, I'd picture him sitting two tables down and laugh. That is my boy, always thinking!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My silly guy

Boys are full of surprises. They like icky things - bugs, spiders, goo. They like funny noises. Noah is ALL boy!

There are a couple of weird things he can do, I thought I'd share.

One, freaks me out...he can blow air out of the tiny tear duct in his eye! He closes his mouth, holds his nose and air comes out. you can hear it - feel it if you put your hand up to it. And I always run off screaming, which makes him laugh.

He can also catch flies in mid-air with his fingers. He hasn't just done it a couple times - he catches them nearly every time and at their wings. I can't even swat a fly at a good percentage with a flyswat!

Just a few of the neat, crazy, weird things that makes Noah who he is.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Noah raised over $1400 for Relay For Life this year! We are so proud of him.

He went door to door, collecting from neighbors and friends. He also collected at school, helped with our road blocks and manned our money booth at Relay. Noah was so determined to make his brother proud - and I know Austin is looking down on him with a big smile.

He certainly followed in his brother's footsteps this year. At Relay, he leaned over to me and asked if he could be our Team Captain next year. It was so reminiscent of Austin, a few years ago.

Monday, June 8, 2009

lil graduate

Noah is a proud 3rd grade graduate!

He very frankly told me he felt he deserved a party or something. We were proud of him, making the Honor Roll all year and doing so well, all things considered. He is a very bright child and I'm glad he does so well.

He looks forward to a brand new school and being a "big 4th grader" in the fall. I sit and watch him, amazed at how quickly he is growing. It seems as if he grows overnight!

What never changes are his beautiful ocean eyes, tiny freckles and his ability to always make me laugh. He is so quick-witted and never ceases to make me smile. In fact, I was just watching him while writing this and he caught me. He said, "What?! Do I have something on my face?" I chuckled and said no. "Then why are you staring at me?" ....Because he is so darn cute, that is why.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The cheap tooth fairy

Noah woke me last night, yelling, "Mom! Dad! come here!" It was after 11 and I ran to his room, heart beating with fear. He was in the bathroom and bleeding - and for an instant I was filled with terror. Thankfully, it was just a lost tooth!

He went to bed, happy with his achievement, and filled with the boyish excitement of looking at a bloody tooth. I went back to bed, grateful he was ok, and reminding myself to sneak back in with money before he woke up in the morning.

Of course, it didn't happen. And I didn't remember until the alarm went off and I headed for his room. I realized it in time to slip a dollar out of Tim's wallet and under his pillow before he awoke.

He is normally slow to wake but this morning he instantly reached under his pillow, ready for the gift. Instantly his frowning face moaned in disgust, "Only a dollar?! Geez, I get a dollar for a baby tooth!"

To which I quickly corrected and reminded him that all teeth he looses are baby teeth and that he should be grateful for any amount the tooth fairy gave. (After all we're in a recession!)

As we sat at the table, waiting for the bus, I could tell something was on his mind. He told me that he was worried about eating at school and guessed he'd be hungry for a few days. I explained that he could still eat, he'd just have to be careful as the gum would be tender. "Yes, Mom, I know that but I lost my tooth on my eating side," he said. Chuckling, I asked him what that meant. Apparently, he has one side of his mouth he uses for food and the other for candy and gum. This loss just messed everything up!

I've laughed all day, wondering how he made he through lunch.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

my funny valentine

Noah has been so cute and funny lately. Every time he comes off with some funny line, I say to myself, "I should write that down!" but I don't and then I forget. So, I thought I'd share some of his recent lines. I may come back from time to time and add new ones.

The other night he was watching a cartoon before bed and called to me from the other room. "Mom! I really want this!" (this is an every commercial kind of thing) but I said "What?"He said, "Blendypens (or something) they are so cool!"I kind of dismissed it, said ok, and went on because like I said above, he wants every commercial-item he sees. Even non-toys. He thinks the "white castle burger" creator is the best thing ever and insists we need one! Anyway, I went back to folding clothes. Moments later he calls out, "Did you call? Supplies may be limited!"

Tuesday he went to see his new pediatrician. She ordered lab work, which he wasn't thrilled about because he does not like needles. However, by the time they called his name, he was better - or so I thought. He wanted to be big and didn't want Mom to go with him. So I waited in the reading room. A few minutes later I hear him scream and my stomach flips, fearing the worst. But, I know he doesn't like needles so I hold out, hoping they will come and get me if something was wrong. He comes down the hall later, teary eyed and sniffling and we leave. (Really he was very upset and we had to calm down in the reading room prior to leaving but that is another story....)

Anyway, I have him tell me the story of what happened. In his words..."When I got in the room I was getting a little freaked out. I told the lady, I don't think I can do this today. Maybe we should reschedule." :) Turns out the screams were a result from her not listening to his request!

Then, this morning I got ready in his bathroom because I woke up at 4:00 a.m. Our bathroom is right off our bedroom and I didn't want to wake up Tim. When I got Noah up for school, I told him to go brush his teeth and hair. Later, I realize he didn't do either and asked him why. He said, "Cuz you girled up the bathroom." Laughing out loud, I asked what that meant. Apparently, he was not able to bypass my makeup, hairdryer and styling products to get to the sink. It cramped his style!

Just wanted to share a bit of my funny world!

Noah's squeamish tummy

I don't think Noah will grow up to be a doctor, or anything else that requires a stomach of steel.

From early on, he had a weak stomach. I at first thought it only included the normal things like blood from a scraped knee. However, I can learned the first year he was big enough to carve pumpkins, it didn't take much. I asked him to 'gut' the pumpkin, something most kids get a kick out of and he nearly got sick! He started gagging and teary eyed, asked to quit. Who knew this family fun activity would be so traumatic.

Maybe it isn't funny but his expressions and the ability to run at instant notice, makes me chuckle. One day, I became choked on drink, laughed and it came out my nose. He leaped off my lap and ran in his room, closing the door. I told him I was lucky nothing worse happened, as I knew he didn't have my back! Of course, I should have remembered this from my wreck because he always left the room when my bandages had to be changed.

If I'm cleaning out his ears, he has to close his eyes because he can't handle looking at the wax. I wondered if he would outgrow it but Tim cleaned his ears this morning and showed him one. Instantly Noah gagged and said, "Please don't do that again, Dad!" I guess some things don't change.

And this Easter, I tried a new activity of blowing eggs instead of boiling them. I thought he might like the activity and would enjoy blowing yolk across the yard with his Dad. It took one blow from his Dad's egg to turn him off. He took off for the house saying, "Sorry Mom but I just can't do that!" I had to wash them, wipe them and let them dry before he would get anywhere close to them to paint!

And as I write this, I can hear my husband laughing at me. Some things I am ok with but some I am not. Maybe Noah gets his gag reflex from his mom. Hey, we can't be tough everywhere!