Friday, August 20, 2010

Group Date

I really wasn't prepared to write a post about my 5th grader going on Group Date! He's still my baby....he isn't old enough for that yet, or is he?

I've noticed such a change in him this school year. We're less than a month in but the phone seems to be ever-stuck to his ear, he's more mature, thinks for himself, and I'm just quickly losing the little guy I've known for 10 years!

The "Mom" in me doesn't quite know how to handle this. He is in the stage where he doesn't want me to help him (unless HE initiates it) or remind him of things. I'm so used to saying, "It's bedtime, brush your face and teeth." They go together. But now I've been reminded that he's big enough to know that he should do that upon bedtime. He feeds his fish without reminding, picks out his own outfits (ignoring the ones I've taken the time to set out), has his own ideas about his day and life. Noah is growing up, right before my eyes, and it's hard!

Of course, I have no details from the group date and even if I did, I'd be sworn to secracy. All I know is that I picked up a smiling boy and his happiness was all the detail I needed.