Tuesday, September 7, 2010


We spent the holiday camping and Noah loved every minute of it....well, most of it anyway. He wasn't a fan of packing and loading or no TV but he soon adjusted. The first night he even commented that he could live like this for awhile!

He is just so fun and so much of my enjoyment came from watching him. Noah was a big help setting up camp once we got there and taking care of Patch. He started a daily walking routine with him that he carried through down to the last 10 minutes of our trip. He loved putting up the tent and finding wood for the fire. He was also a big help in the "kitchen" each night.

I try to create memories in everything we do - and share memories of certain things with him. The first night we had Grandpa Stew and I guess I'd never told him why we called it that. He said, "So did your grandpa just like this soup?" I chuckled and shared the story of how and why Grandpa created it and the memories I had of eating it as a child. As we cooked together, and he was opening cans of veggies with a manual can opener, he commented, "I'm not sure I like these old days things!" He had a bit of difficulty mastering the machinery!

He got a kick out of making biscuits over an open fire, though wasn't a fan of the flavor. We used his recipe one night to make fajitas, from an outdoor cooking class he learned at camp. They were the best meal of our trip!

I brought glow sticks and he had fun putting them around anything that stood still...well, and actually some things that moved, as we put one around Patch so we could see him in the dark. He enjoyed exploring the woods and caught a glimpse at a raccoon one day while on the boat. Tim and Noah spent lots of time fishing - I love to watch that boy's face when he's reeling one in. Lots of laughs and fun moments around the campfire. And as with all boys, he loved that he could pee wherever the mood struck him (so lucky to be a guy!).

He was excited as well to sleep in a tent. The first night got chilly and because he didn't listen and wear his PJ bottoms to bed, he woke up in the middle of the night cold. Tim and I then got to share a full size bed with our growing 10 year old. ...A few hours later and several cricks in our backs and necks, we decided to get up and make coffee and let him sleep!

The next night we rearranged things so we had one long bed. It was kind of like a giant bouncy house. Still didn't really work - Tim and shared 1/4 of the tent and Noah sprawled all over the rest. At one point he woke up, sat straight up in bed, looked at us, raised his arm and said, "Looks like we made it!" then fell over and right back to sleep. We have no idea what that means but it gave us a lot of laughs.

Our last morning was bittersweet. Always hard to go home from a vacation but we knew an early start would make for a better transition into the week. We sat out all the leftovers from the cooler and made omelets in a bag. Noah thought the whole process was too cool - and the best part was, they tasted great!

As Tim and I finished packing, Noah and Patch went for their last walk. The trip was such a nice break to get away and reconnect. Camping has a way of doing that - it takes away all the distractions from life (tv, cell phones, and such) and just leaves you with each other...the most important!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Group Date

I really wasn't prepared to write a post about my 5th grader going on Group Date! He's still my baby....he isn't old enough for that yet, or is he?

I've noticed such a change in him this school year. We're less than a month in but the phone seems to be ever-stuck to his ear, he's more mature, thinks for himself, and I'm just quickly losing the little guy I've known for 10 years!

The "Mom" in me doesn't quite know how to handle this. He is in the stage where he doesn't want me to help him (unless HE initiates it) or remind him of things. I'm so used to saying, "It's bedtime, brush your face and teeth." They go together. But now I've been reminded that he's big enough to know that he should do that upon bedtime. He feeds his fish without reminding, picks out his own outfits (ignoring the ones I've taken the time to set out), has his own ideas about his day and life. Noah is growing up, right before my eyes, and it's hard!

Of course, I have no details from the group date and even if I did, I'd be sworn to secracy. All I know is that I picked up a smiling boy and his happiness was all the detail I needed.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Summer Va-ca

Due to summer being so short, so hot, and trying to watch our budget, we elected not to have a "true vacation" this year but rather short, mini activities and day trips.

Tim took a long weekend and we made plans to go to Cave City for a couple days and spend the night in a hotel. Of all the things we did, I think the hotel was among Noah's favorite. Not sure why a hotel is so exciting to a kid!

It might not be exotic or sound like a exciting vacation but we really enjoyed ourselves. More than anything it was a chance to relax and spend time together. The week isn't over but I wanted to capture some moments and memories thus far...

5 a.m. wake-up call...
Noah set his cell phone for 5 am (why I don't know) on the morning we were to leave, got ready and went back to bed. When I came into his room, he immediately woke up and was ready to burst out the door. I said I hoped he had the same enthusiasm next week for the first day of school!

Kentucky Down Under...
The weather was the only downside of this stop, as the heat & humidity made it a difficult walk.

Noah loved the interaction at this zoo with both the animals and the staff. He had a bird on his head, petted a kangaroo, milked a cow and played a didgeridoo. We hadn't been there since he was maybe 2 and I was glad we returned.

Lunch was spent at Cracker Barrel and the only reason I mention it is because Noah found a harmonica he just had to have. It was the best $6 we ever spent on him! He had more fun with this harmonica on the trip...it was always either in his pocket or on his mouth. I hope he sticks with it and he seems to have a natural talent for it.

We had intended to go to Dinosaur World after lunch but the heat zapped us quicker than we thought. Noah called them to see how long it took to go through and upon hanging up, he said, "My vote is hotel. bed. pool!" ...His vacation, His wishes!

We did sneak in a trip to Big Mike's Mystery House that we found searching online. It is a little hole in the wall place on the way to Mammoth Cave. Took maybe 10 minutes to go but Noah loved it. I won't ruin the surprise of what all is in there...kind of one those places you have to see to appreciate. Best part was, it was free with an internet coupon!

Little embarrassing beginning to our hotel stay...
I had pricelined the hotel (saved 60% I might add!) and got mixed up on the location. We pulled into the Holiday Inn, loaded up a luggage cart and went to the desk to check-in. My travel fears came to life when they didn't have our reservation. She asked for the confirmation number and I got my handy dandy IPhone out to retrieve it. I gave it to her and she informed us that the number was too long...a little more searching and I realized we were at the wrong hotel! Oh well, it gave us practice loading the luggage cart and a laugh!

We ended that night with some pool time, followed by PJs and Pizza in our room! Noah also enjoyed "camping out" on his sleeper sofa. Again, it's the simple things kids love.

We snuck in some school shopping.....stopped for appetizers in the middle of the day.....saw an albino squirrel on the front of a barn (neat!)....and spent an afternoon in a fully restored L&N train, which reminded me of my Grandpa McGuffin, who retired from the railroad.

I'm sure I'm missing some great moments but that pretty much covers it. Simple. Sweet. Full of good food, family and fun. Can't think of a better way to spend a vacation!....or stay-cation!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

4H Camp

Memories of 4H camp:

getting on bus with Tina...I notice it is 90% female on the bus he picked. I walk up to the bus, knock on the window and say, "You're dad would be proud...you're on a bus full of girls."
Noah glances down at me with a full grin and says, "I know!"

It was hard not seeing or talking to him for 4 days but I sent a letter each day. One note was written inside the envelope. One required him to twist and turn the note in different directions to read it. I knew he'd be homesick and I just wanted to make him laugh...if even from a distance.

When he got off the bus, he saw me from a distance and headed straight to me for a big, long hug. I had so hoped he would be excited and have so much great stories to share but he said he Did. Not. Have a good time. I think more than anything it was because he doesn't like being away from us - and because he didn't really have any friends who went, other than Tina and she was in a different part of camp.

He did love the outdoor cooking class, it was his favorite. He came home with lots of recipes and rules, which he used to correct me every time he saw me in the kitchen!

Although he loved canoe class at Trooper Island, he wasn't too fond of it at 4H camp. He said his partner was, " the tiniest, bossiest kid in the world" who didn't lift a finger, other than to order him around. At one point Noah said he he broke and shouted, "Dude! Shut your mouth and help out and we'll get there faster, K?!" (I can so see him doing this..lol)

He enjoyed the "polar bear plunge" where they got to leave their cabins EARLY in the morning for a swim. He wasn't thrilled with the first day though because Tina forgot to show up and he found himself "alone".

I think one of the biggest reasons he didn't enjoy camp was the weather. It was noted that it hottest day in history of camp, at least for the past 15 years or so. Being a little spoiled to air conditioning, sodas and video games - it was a bit of culture shock, I think.

Aside from the dramatic tales he shared, I think (or least I hope) that he enjoyed camp. He made some good memories, even if he decides to not repeat them next year!

Random Funniness

I could never capture all the funny moments that Noah makes me laugh....I'd be writing ALL the time! However, here are a few keepers...

Noah: "Hey Mom, Look...I can get up from the floor with handcuffs on."
Me: "Hey Noah, that's a skill I hope you NEVER need."

Lady: "What grade are you in?"
Noah: "4th"
Me (later): "Why didn't you say 5th?"
Noah: "Until my feet are in the 5th grade room, I'm still a 4th grader!"

Noah (walking in with disposable camera): so how do I see these pictures now?
Me: we have to get them developed
Noah: ...(insert silence and crickets)
Me: (sigh) I feel so old!

Noah: "So how do you get your breath fresh?" Me (chuckling): "Why, got somebody you want to kiss?" Noah (ignoring): "What does mouthwash do, what's it all about?"...and after a long discussion on dental hygiene...Me: "Do you have a girlfriend or something you want to tell me about?" Noah: "Nope, but I figure it's about time to go out and get one." :)

Convo with Noah ..."did you call 911?" me, "no, I called dad". Noah, "duh dad IS 911!"

Noah just asked me to look up a cheat code for the Wii Fit...I think that kinda misses the point...lol

Me: so is this a great valentines present? (eating at pattys)
Noah: less talking, more eating!!
.....guess that answered my question

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Summer Twenty-Ten Memories

Summer always seems to fly by but this year it really was shortened, due to the school calendar. The kids were out for exactly two months, which in the summertime, is about a blink of your eye. I've tried to make the most of it though and create some special memories for Noah...

Mega VBS week - attending both a day & nighttime bible school in the same week

Movies...Movies...Movies! ...and don't forget the popcorn (extra butter for Noah)! Our favorite by far was Despicable Me!

First camp away from home...Trooper Island

Hot Potato Salad.....Homemade Ice Cream.....S'Mores......Hot dogs....oh, and popcorn!

4H camp with Tina

River fun = Boat riding....Fishing...Tubing

Work with Mom day

Impromptu Zoo trip with Mamaw

Lightning Bugs....Honeysuckle......Cloud pictures....Star Gazing

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Trooper Island

Noah celebrated a lot of "firsts" this past week...

First time at camp, first overnight trip without us, first week without a cell phone or tv!, first time canoeing, first time using a bow & arrow, first time sleeping on an island.

I put Noah on the Trooper Island bus on Monday morning, with tears in my eyes but hiding in my truck, and hoped for a fun week for him. I wanted him to have a good summer memory, with all that he's been through in his little life. Tim and I had heard such good things about Trooper Island and I don't think he could've had a better first camp experience.

It was very hard not having him around or being able to talk to him for five straight days. Luckily, thanks to Facebook, the last few days of camp we were able to "see" him through photos.

I even got a "Hi Mom" post from him by one of the camp counselors. She said he barely slowed down long enough for her to take a photo. (That made me feel better, knowing he was having fun.)
I counted down the hours on Friday until time to go and pick him up, arriving in the parking lot a good 30 minutes early, just in case. In the end, his bus was nearly 2 hours late...and I must say it was among the longest 2 hours I've ever waited! However, he was worth every minute of waiting when his smiling face jumped off the bus and gave me a hug.

The talking never ceased as we headed for the truck, on the drive home, once inside. He had so many stories to share.

Among his favorites....fishing and swimming every day, being woke up with a police siren, sleeping on an island, canoeing and winning the camp canoe award, using a bow & arrow (and doing very well by the target samples he showed us), sharing a cabin with a bunch of boys, scary stories by a Trooper...well, that was his LEAST favorite but he sure talked a lot about it!

Of all the things he said, it was his behavior and attitude I noticed most. Noah has always been a good child, uses his manners, makes us proud, but I could tell he had positive role models this week. He said thank you a little more, was a little sweeter, showed even more respect. He talked about "being a man" and "having courage" and as a mom, that may be my favorite part of camp! Noah has always been surrounded by great role models, his father and big brother being the biggest two. However, I am thankful he got to spend a week with some terrific troopers who made a difference in his summer...and his life!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Men need Privacy!

Noah was showering and getting ready for the Strawberry Fest. His aunt Wendy stopped by to pick him up and sent her daughter, Tina, in to get him.

I called to see how things were going....this is our conversation on the phone.

Me: Are you about ready?

Noah: Well, I'm a little frustrated right now, so no.

Me: (trying not to laugh) Why?

Noah: Tina came in to get me and didn't knock or anything - just walked right in. And then she just walked on into the bathroom all the way to the shower!

Me: (laughing) Did she see more than she needed to

Noah: well I should think so! I'm going to have to go so I can pull myself together because they're waiting.....but I'm gonna have a talk with her about men and privacy!

He fills my days with laughter and smiles!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

MEGA field trip!

Noah's 4th grade class took a mega field trip last week! They went to Louisville for two days and visited museums, the zoo, a baseball game and more.

The first day, they stopped to watch the Louisiville Bats play ball...
then picnic lunch at a park....
then to the Slugger Museum..
then check-in at the Lville Zoo for OVERNIGHT! ...including a Night Safari and then the next day a Morning Safari....(Noah got to sleep in the Snake room! ick!!)
Then to Churchill downs and the museum...and probably more I'm forgetting.

Here's the jumbled lines Noah spurted out in excitement after getting off the bus:

"It was AWESOME! I can't pick my favorite thing! Sniffin' bags, Made an owl, Lions were sleeping, Slept with the snakes, Learned interesting facts, $15 concessions at the ball game, Millionaire seats, A lot of science involved with derby racing, Science class in the basement of derby, people who work at the zoo...for FREE!, I can show you everything at the zoo now. you will amazed! I found stuff you didn't know about."

He was amazed at learning how bats were made. He learned a valuable lesson on budgeting, as he spent $15 of his allotted $20 within the first 30 minutes of his trip...at the ballpark concession stand! Of course, he loved spending the night at the zoo and rubbing it in that he slept with snakes and spiders.

The funniest part of his trip happened when he got home. We sent him with a disposable camera, which he enjoyed snapping pictures along the way. When he got home, he said, "So how do I see these pictures now?" I chuckled, and said, "You can't. We have to get them developed."
He looked at me as if I had two heads..."what is developed?" I explained but he still really didn't get it.

The next morning he asked me again. Then he said, "Well, if they try to give me somebody else's pictures, I'll know because I remember what I took!"

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hunting for a Girlfriend!

So, Noah is about to go to bed the other night and leans in to give me a kiss and hug.

He says, "How do you get your breath really fresh?"

I smile and say, "Why, do I smell good?"

He says, "No." ....so much for my self-esteem!
Then he says, "What is the deal with mouthwash? What does it do"

I'm chuckling at this point, "Why, got a girl you want to kiss?"

He ignores me and goes on to ask questions, "What is better a mint or mouthwash?" and we discuss dental hygiene for a bit.

I ask again, "Do you have a girlfriend or something I need to know about?"

He smiles and says matter-of-factly, "Nope, but I figure it is about time to go out and get one."

At this point, I'm all but rolling in the floor with laughter but trying to remain composed so he'll continue to talk to me.

I say, "So, do you have someone in mind. Got a girl in your scope?"

Without missing a beat he says, "Mom, like all good hunters, I've picked out the best deer."

Now I can't hold it in anymore. I'm laughing and I kiss him good-night.
The next afternoon I ask him how did hunting went.

"No good he said. Didn't have the ammo," pausing, he sighs and says, "Which basically means, I didn't have the guts, Mom."

I love this kid. He makes me smile every moment, chuckle frequently and sometimes even fills my day with big belly laughs!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the things he says....

Last night, Tim and Noah were leaving a hunting class. After sitting for three hours, he had a lot of energy to release!

He ran and jumped onto the ball on the back of the truck - or rather attempted to. It was a near damaging accident to, um, an area down below.

Tim said Noah stood up, exhaled loudly, and said, "Whew! I about broke my couch!"

Nearly snorting, Tim tries to remain composed and asks what he meant.

"Well...maybe a love seat then," he says.

At this point, Tim is about to pass out from needing to laugh when Noah looks at him matter-of-factly and says, "you know, Dad, my f-u-r-n-i-t-u-r-e!"

Tim said it was all he could do to drive home, between the tears and side splitting pains of laughter!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Movie Date

Noah and I went to see Percy Jackson last night. I love taking him on little "mini dates" with me for some one one one time. He is growing so fast and I feel like these dates help me continually connect with his ever-changing self!

As usual, he was a hoot to hang with. When we walked in, he took charge of ordering our tickets, popcorn, cokes, etc. We got there early so we had first pick of the seats and settled in our own personal row.

Noah decided our popcorn needed a little more salt so he went back out into the lobby before the show began. Suddenly, he came running back in, popcorn spewing out the bucket and leaving a messy trail behind him.

"Mom, Mom! The so-and-so brothers are out there!" he shouted.

I stared blankly, not really knowing who that was or why it was exciting.

"The so-and-so brothers! You know, from wrestling!!" he stated, rolling his eyes and not impressed that I didn't know them personally.

So I asked him if he talked to them or got their autograph anything, since they were so totally cool and right in the next room.

He scoffed and said, "No...they are normal people, Mom, with lives outside of wrestling. They just want to see the movie in peace."

.....well, put me in my place! :)

Not to spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't seen it but there is a somewhat emotional scene near the end where the long lost father gets to see his son face to face and talk to him for the first time. I have goosebumps and am internally thinking, "Awwww."

Noah leans into me and says, "I would SO be asking him right now how he turns into water and not wasting time with this stuff!"

...that's my boy!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Beaver Basketball

I meant to record Noah's basketball season right after it happened and it was fresh in memory.

This wasn't Noah's first season to play basketball, as he'd been in Upwards for a few years, but it was his first time playing for school. Upward and school ball are very different, keeping score being a big change!

We saw such growth from Noah during this season. He was a little apprehensive at first, not really knowing how to play his position. Once he learned his size was an advantage and he could intimidate other players, he was unstoppable! His accuracy on shots improved each game too and soon he was racking up 3 pointers like they were nothing!

One game we sat near the front but close to the other team. I could hear them and the coach when they would huddle. It was funny to hear them complain about Noah's defense...."I can't do anything with that #40 on the floor! He is everywhere!"

We fondly nicknamed him "Brickwall Blair" as a result. :)

The season was a little chaotic, with snow changing the schedules and a few sprained ankles, but we enjoyed cheering him on. I can't wait to see my brickwall play next season!


Noah let me straighten his hair this past weekend.

He often comes in the bathroom while I am putting on makeup, fixing my hair, etc. and we chat. Sometimes he'll pick up a pair of tweezers, blush brush, etc. and question me with a scrunched up face, wanting to know what it is and why I need it. Noah knows how curly my hair is out of the shower so he's always been amazed at how the flat iron can transform my look. (when I don't straighten my hair, he calls me Princess Lea - from Star Wars!)

Anyway, last Saturday he was watching me as I straightened my hair and I asked if I could try it on his curls. He was reluctant at first - and even during the process - afraid I was going to set his hair on fire or burn his forehead. I wasn't sure if it would even work, the top of his head is so wiry and curly, but it did. ...see photo below
Tim and I were both surprised with how much it changed his looks. He looked so much older, like a teenager. Of course, when we told him that he puffed up his chest proudly and his attitude changed the remainder of the day! I think he enjoyed the change though because he asked me to do it again this morning. ...He's still hesitant, every sizzle making him take a step back and a view in the mirror to see if any flames or smoke appear!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

not the Jr Prom

Noah went to his first dance Friday night. For months we've talked about it, me urging him to go, him adamantly saying no. As the time drew closer, he decided he would give it a try. I picked on him, asking if he had plans to ask a girl. He said no but that a few had asked him, to which he declined. At one point though (that he told me about) he actually had a date but they changed their minds before the big day.

The week of the dance I asked him if he'd like to have a new outfit or what he planned to wear. He looked at me, as if I had three heads, and said, "Mom, it is just a 4th grade dance - not the Jr Prom!" ...excuse me! :)

In the end, I did talk him into buying a new shirt. He was insistent on wearing blue jeans and tennis shoes though. I think our compromise was pretty cute.
Noah left the house wearing one of his hats, which he looks adorable in. As we drove into the school though he chickened out, saying he didn't want to be the only guy with a hat.
I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes, watching other boys strut to the door and little girls with hair bows and high heels enter excitedly and wished I could hide away somewhere in the gym. How I would've loved to watch him from a distance!
He didn't say much about the dance when I picked him up, other than that he had a good time. And he said he stuck to his guns about dancing...or rather NOT dancing! I just wonder how many girls stood near him wishing he'd ask.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dinner with my Valentine

We took Noah to Patty's Restaurant near Kentucky Lake for Valentine's.

He had been to Grand Rivers a few times from previous vacations and had visited Patty's to play mini golf and visit the petting zoo but never to eat. We thought it would be a special treat and surprised him Saturday morning with a road trip.

He had no clue where we were going but he knew we had reservations so he said it must be "someplace fancy!" We arrived quicker than we expected so we spent some time driving around viewing the lake in the Winter, which we'd never seen. It had been four or five years since Noah had been there and he didn't remember much. He was excited to see the Dam, lighthouse, and our favorite muffin shop. We also spent some time exploring the antique stores downtown.

Watching Noah experience the meal and atmosphere at Patty's was the best part of the trip for us! He ate everything so excitedly and with such enjoyment. I asked him during the meal if this was a good Valentine's present. He commented, "Less talking, more eating!" I guess that answered my question!
He loved the fried pickles, cheese sticks, and flower pot bread. Against my suggestions, he opted for the chili burger, which ended up being bigger than his head! Surprisingly he ate 3/4 of it. His fork also roamed into my plate several times during the meal.
I don't know how he had room but he wanted dessert as well. We sat near a display and he could not get over the mile high meringue. Noah chose the Mint Boatsinker....and in the end it sunk him! About halfway through the pie, he gasped and said, "That about took my breath away!" As much as he tried, he just couldn't quite finish it all.
Even though it was snowing outside, we walked the grounds, including a quick game of outside checkers. Noah left happy as the ultimate champ. All in all, I think it ranked up there among the top Valentine's presents ever!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

yellow snow?

I taught Noah how to make snow cream this weekend, thanks to a big snow. I don't think he's ever had it, unless he was a toddler and too young to remember.

When I called him in to help, he said, "You are making that with SNOW? Are you crazy?!"

I explained, this is something Mom & Dad had quite a bit when we were kids.

He then says, "What if somebody peed in it" (someBODY - not someTHING) I chuckled to my self, wondering if he imagined random people peeing in our yard.

Once I calmed him down and he started stirring (or steering as he calls it), he rather enjoyed it. As he tasted it, he was glad he trusted me.

The fact that we had it for breakfast was even cooler.
I got a "best Mom ever" out of it!

Monday, January 25, 2010

"It's my Birthday week!"

So, apparently becoming 10 entitles you to not just celebrate on your birthday (and party day)...but to have a week long extravaganza!

Noah's birthday typically falls during the week so we normally hold his actual party on the weekend. And in the past, he has sometimes had 2 parties - one for family and one for friends. So I guess it wasn't unusual for those three days to turn into a week long celebration!

All week, Noah's excuse for anything was "But it's my birthday week!" ..and usually he got his way. I think this year it was mingled in with the feeling of losing him as a baby, as he moved into the double digits and feeling sorry for him because of his ankle. That or he is just really LOVED!

He had a friend over to spend the night Friday night and he ended up spending most of the weekend with him. I think he earned some cool points with all they did....He enjoyed some hot tub time with his buddy, complete with mega jamming on the outside stereo speakers. They spent Saturday morning at the fire station where Chief Dad took them for a spin in the fire truck. We did a little shopping that afternoon.

Sunday was his big family party/game day at the training center. We had a "Soup-er Party" with a handful of different types of soups and all the yummy toppings. He got 2 cakes....a Ben 10 cupcake cake and a cookie cake for dessert. He then spent the afternoon opening his presents...rather cards and money that he loved counting over and over and playing games with friends and family. The day was complete with a stop at the training tower to show his buddy the top floor and training maze.

I think he is completely enjoying being in the double digits!
...I just need a vacation to rest from the big BIRTHDAY WEEK!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Birthday in crutches

Well, Noah rang out the last night of being 9 with a trip to the ER!

He hurt his ankle during basketball practice so we took him to the ER for an x-ray, just to be safe. It was just a sprain but he was in quite a bit of pain from it.

His birthday was spent at home, missing school due to the pain and not having crutches in time. Dad brought home a mid-morning "birthday present" of crutches just his size. The novelty of it was very cool at first. He even insisted on quickly getting ready and heading to school late...which I talked him out of.

He was most disappointed to miss his game last night. We took him so he could support his team from the bench. (I had planned for him to have a big crowd of family & friends cheering him on, as he had a game on his birthday but that plan quickly changed!) His team tried really hard for him, giving him high fives, telling him "this shot is for you," and throughout it was a tied ballgame but in the end, they lost.

We came home from the game, just the three of us, and I made his favorite supper - Shrimp Alfredo...complete with a surprise Banana Split dessert. We let him open one present and a card (which I'd planned to hide in his backpack, had he gone to school!) He'll have his party on Sunday....we hope Crutch-Free!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Double Digits

Tomorrow is Noah's 10th birthday and he has been anxiously counting down the days!

He gets to celebrate his Birthday Eve with a day off of school, as they are closed for the MLK holiday. He's been urging me to let him skip tomorrow too (because other kids do it!) but it won't happen.

A few weeks ago in the car he told me a funny story about turning 10....He had talked with his cousin, who is a year older, about the big change.

"You really wouldn't think one year would make a difference but it really does!"

"I'm in the double digits now, Mom. That makes me so much older!"

....I don't know about that but it certainly makes me feel MUCH older!