Friday, July 31, 2009

my skull is on tv?

We were watching tv last night, all cuddled up in our bed. It is something we do nearly every night. Tim was watching the news and they showed a segment on Noah's new school.

Several moments passed, Noah and I were tickling and giggling and winding down for the night. I asked him, "What did you think of your school on tv?"

He looked at me with a blank stare.

"Did you like seeing the pictures? Your school is humongous!" I said.

(Still blank stare) "Where is that coming from?" he asked.

I chuckled, "Didn't you just see you school on tv?"

Why are they showing my skull on tv?" he asked.

And then I busted out laughing. Yep, I'm a country girl and I've been told I have an accent but I didn't think I pronounced school like skull. Guess it sounded like it to him!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

big man on campus

Noah is fairly excited to be a 4th grader this year. He had mentioned it several times and even uses it for bargaining, as needed. For instance, if we are discussing him needing to go to bed or not being old enough for something, he'll say, "but I'm a 4th grader now!"

I am actually amazed at how much he has grown this summer. In just two short months, his appearance has changed, he has grown taller, and the signs of a baby face are quickly fading. His interests have changed and I can truly see a difference in maturity. My little guy is growing up!

He is caring more about what he looks like, which is cute to me, but he sure doesn't like me bringing it up to anyone. All week, he has wanted me to stop into a local store, so he could check out an outfit they had hanging in the window. Who knew boys even noticed window advertisements? Luckily, the mannequin was just his size and he was happy to bring it home. Noah looked so cute strutting out of the fitting room, after trying it on. How could I resist?

And this morning, I had to "curl his hair" before he went to day camp. He was so picky, taking extra time in the mirror to make sure each curl was in the right spot. I assume there is a certain little girl that has sparked this sudden attention to detail, which makes me smile. She just better not break his heart!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

shipwrecked on a private island

We went on an impromptu camping trip this weekend, to make use of the unseasonal weather. You just don't see 60 degrees in July!

Noah has been wanting to go camping for awhile and we found the perfect spot. You can only access by boat so it was peaceful, private and just what we needed.

We packed the boat with a tent, food and fishing supplies and hit the water. By the time we got camp set up, we were all hungry so we broke for a picnic on the rocks. Sandwiches are just cooler outdoors!

The boys laughed at me scouting out a temporary bathroom, complete with rock that made a nice seat and a roll of tp on a stick. And they laughed when I slipped in the mud while gathering campfire wood (after they made sure I was ok).

I got the last laugh though, when I saw them both get soaked from pulling in a big fish! It was a little scary for Noah at first but he then never argued about having his life vest on when walking around the river. And they were sure happy I packed extra clothes to change into.

Noah enjoyed finding a nest of tiny, baby frogs and catching fish. He loved exploring the island and spending time with us. We giggled and enjoyed the quiet of nature.

We watched the stars come out and enjoyed a big campfire to roast hot dogs and make s'mores. As darkness grew and sounds of nature increased, Noah decided it was "tent time" so we moved inside. He was a little nervous hearing the coyotes in the distance and complained about how loud the crickets were but daddy's arm was no match and he was asleep on his chest in moments.

The morning was beautiful, watching the mist rise off the river and the sun come through the trees. Tim and enjoyed cups of hot coffee and watching dozens of birds eat breakfast as bugs gathered at the water's edge. Such simple moments but it was wonderful just being together, uninterrupted and with no responsibilities.

Noah woke up to find us fishing and said, "I can't believe you people! It is like 6 am and you are fishing!?" We had a great time being 'shipwrecked on our own private island'.