Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Skin Doctor

Noah has had a rash for several weeks so I made him an appointment with a dermatologist.

Of course, the word of any "doctor" makes Noah nervous, so he was not excited. I thought it would cheer him up to know he'd be picked up from school early but when he learned what time he said, "O gee, I'll miss one class."

We pulled in and he made a comment about the size of the building. "I bet this place has an elevator! Why would a skin doctor need so many rooms!" he said. After we sat down inside, his wheels still turning, he commented that "there are no kids my age in here". I tried to point out other kids his age (although the room was 90% senior citizen center) but he was still nervous.

When we went back, he was interested in all the tools and gadgets. I was pleased the assistant was cheerful and played right along with endless array of questions. Noah loved the science of it all. He is still talking about the orange goop she scraped his rash in to see if turns purple or green, meaning a fungus.

However, when the doctor mentioned "checking his mole" his eyes got big and he mouthed to me, "what does that mean?!" He was happy to learn it only involved a photograph and that his mole turned the light green - meaning he was ok and no cutting would be involved!

In the end, no major trauma for the day and I think he maybe even enjoyed his trip. I was thoroughly amused by his reactions, as usual! I love my crazy, silly, inquisitive guy.

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