Thursday, July 30, 2009

big man on campus

Noah is fairly excited to be a 4th grader this year. He had mentioned it several times and even uses it for bargaining, as needed. For instance, if we are discussing him needing to go to bed or not being old enough for something, he'll say, "but I'm a 4th grader now!"

I am actually amazed at how much he has grown this summer. In just two short months, his appearance has changed, he has grown taller, and the signs of a baby face are quickly fading. His interests have changed and I can truly see a difference in maturity. My little guy is growing up!

He is caring more about what he looks like, which is cute to me, but he sure doesn't like me bringing it up to anyone. All week, he has wanted me to stop into a local store, so he could check out an outfit they had hanging in the window. Who knew boys even noticed window advertisements? Luckily, the mannequin was just his size and he was happy to bring it home. Noah looked so cute strutting out of the fitting room, after trying it on. How could I resist?

And this morning, I had to "curl his hair" before he went to day camp. He was so picky, taking extra time in the mirror to make sure each curl was in the right spot. I assume there is a certain little girl that has sparked this sudden attention to detail, which makes me smile. She just better not break his heart!

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