Tuesday, March 30, 2010

the things he says....

Last night, Tim and Noah were leaving a hunting class. After sitting for three hours, he had a lot of energy to release!

He ran and jumped onto the ball on the back of the truck - or rather attempted to. It was a near damaging accident to, um, an area down below.

Tim said Noah stood up, exhaled loudly, and said, "Whew! I about broke my couch!"

Nearly snorting, Tim tries to remain composed and asks what he meant.

"Well...maybe a love seat then," he says.

At this point, Tim is about to pass out from needing to laugh when Noah looks at him matter-of-factly and says, "you know, Dad, my f-u-r-n-i-t-u-r-e!"

Tim said it was all he could do to drive home, between the tears and side splitting pains of laughter!

1 comment:

  1. Okay now, that one went BEYOND funny!!! I can't believe you didn't post it to facebook, yes I can, we can't embarass him can we!??!
