Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hunting for a Girlfriend!

So, Noah is about to go to bed the other night and leans in to give me a kiss and hug.

He says, "How do you get your breath really fresh?"

I smile and say, "Why, do I smell good?"

He says, "No." much for my self-esteem!
Then he says, "What is the deal with mouthwash? What does it do"

I'm chuckling at this point, "Why, got a girl you want to kiss?"

He ignores me and goes on to ask questions, "What is better a mint or mouthwash?" and we discuss dental hygiene for a bit.

I ask again, "Do you have a girlfriend or something I need to know about?"

He smiles and says matter-of-factly, "Nope, but I figure it is about time to go out and get one."

At this point, I'm all but rolling in the floor with laughter but trying to remain composed so he'll continue to talk to me.

I say, "So, do you have someone in mind. Got a girl in your scope?"

Without missing a beat he says, "Mom, like all good hunters, I've picked out the best deer."

Now I can't hold it in anymore. I'm laughing and I kiss him good-night.
The next afternoon I ask him how did hunting went.

"No good he said. Didn't have the ammo," pausing, he sighs and says, "Which basically means, I didn't have the guts, Mom."

I love this kid. He makes me smile every moment, chuckle frequently and sometimes even fills my day with big belly laughs!

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