Sunday, June 20, 2010

Trooper Island

Noah celebrated a lot of "firsts" this past week...

First time at camp, first overnight trip without us, first week without a cell phone or tv!, first time canoeing, first time using a bow & arrow, first time sleeping on an island.

I put Noah on the Trooper Island bus on Monday morning, with tears in my eyes but hiding in my truck, and hoped for a fun week for him. I wanted him to have a good summer memory, with all that he's been through in his little life. Tim and I had heard such good things about Trooper Island and I don't think he could've had a better first camp experience.

It was very hard not having him around or being able to talk to him for five straight days. Luckily, thanks to Facebook, the last few days of camp we were able to "see" him through photos.

I even got a "Hi Mom" post from him by one of the camp counselors. She said he barely slowed down long enough for her to take a photo. (That made me feel better, knowing he was having fun.)
I counted down the hours on Friday until time to go and pick him up, arriving in the parking lot a good 30 minutes early, just in case. In the end, his bus was nearly 2 hours late...and I must say it was among the longest 2 hours I've ever waited! However, he was worth every minute of waiting when his smiling face jumped off the bus and gave me a hug.

The talking never ceased as we headed for the truck, on the drive home, once inside. He had so many stories to share.

Among his and swimming every day, being woke up with a police siren, sleeping on an island, canoeing and winning the camp canoe award, using a bow & arrow (and doing very well by the target samples he showed us), sharing a cabin with a bunch of boys, scary stories by a Trooper...well, that was his LEAST favorite but he sure talked a lot about it!

Of all the things he said, it was his behavior and attitude I noticed most. Noah has always been a good child, uses his manners, makes us proud, but I could tell he had positive role models this week. He said thank you a little more, was a little sweeter, showed even more respect. He talked about "being a man" and "having courage" and as a mom, that may be my favorite part of camp! Noah has always been surrounded by great role models, his father and big brother being the biggest two. However, I am thankful he got to spend a week with some terrific troopers who made a difference in his summer...and his life!

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