Tuesday, April 21, 2009

my funny valentine

Noah has been so cute and funny lately. Every time he comes off with some funny line, I say to myself, "I should write that down!" but I don't and then I forget. So, I thought I'd share some of his recent lines. I may come back from time to time and add new ones.

The other night he was watching a cartoon before bed and called to me from the other room. "Mom! I really want this!" (this is an every commercial kind of thing) but I said "What?"He said, "Blendypens (or something) they are so cool!"I kind of dismissed it, said ok, and went on because like I said above, he wants every commercial-item he sees. Even non-toys. He thinks the "white castle burger" creator is the best thing ever and insists we need one! Anyway, I went back to folding clothes. Moments later he calls out, "Did you call? Supplies may be limited!"

Tuesday he went to see his new pediatrician. She ordered lab work, which he wasn't thrilled about because he does not like needles. However, by the time they called his name, he was better - or so I thought. He wanted to be big and didn't want Mom to go with him. So I waited in the reading room. A few minutes later I hear him scream and my stomach flips, fearing the worst. But, I know he doesn't like needles so I hold out, hoping they will come and get me if something was wrong. He comes down the hall later, teary eyed and sniffling and we leave. (Really he was very upset and we had to calm down in the reading room prior to leaving but that is another story....)

Anyway, I have him tell me the story of what happened. In his words..."When I got in the room I was getting a little freaked out. I told the lady, I don't think I can do this today. Maybe we should reschedule." :) Turns out the screams were a result from her not listening to his request!

Then, this morning I got ready in his bathroom because I woke up at 4:00 a.m. Our bathroom is right off our bedroom and I didn't want to wake up Tim. When I got Noah up for school, I told him to go brush his teeth and hair. Later, I realize he didn't do either and asked him why. He said, "Cuz you girled up the bathroom." Laughing out loud, I asked what that meant. Apparently, he was not able to bypass my makeup, hairdryer and styling products to get to the sink. It cramped his style!

Just wanted to share a bit of my funny world!

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