Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Noah's squeamish tummy

I don't think Noah will grow up to be a doctor, or anything else that requires a stomach of steel.

From early on, he had a weak stomach. I at first thought it only included the normal things like blood from a scraped knee. However, I can learned the first year he was big enough to carve pumpkins, it didn't take much. I asked him to 'gut' the pumpkin, something most kids get a kick out of and he nearly got sick! He started gagging and teary eyed, asked to quit. Who knew this family fun activity would be so traumatic.

Maybe it isn't funny but his expressions and the ability to run at instant notice, makes me chuckle. One day, I became choked on drink, laughed and it came out my nose. He leaped off my lap and ran in his room, closing the door. I told him I was lucky nothing worse happened, as I knew he didn't have my back! Of course, I should have remembered this from my wreck because he always left the room when my bandages had to be changed.

If I'm cleaning out his ears, he has to close his eyes because he can't handle looking at the wax. I wondered if he would outgrow it but Tim cleaned his ears this morning and showed him one. Instantly Noah gagged and said, "Please don't do that again, Dad!" I guess some things don't change.

And this Easter, I tried a new activity of blowing eggs instead of boiling them. I thought he might like the activity and would enjoy blowing yolk across the yard with his Dad. It took one blow from his Dad's egg to turn him off. He took off for the house saying, "Sorry Mom but I just can't do that!" I had to wash them, wipe them and let them dry before he would get anywhere close to them to paint!

And as I write this, I can hear my husband laughing at me. Some things I am ok with but some I am not. Maybe Noah gets his gag reflex from his mom. Hey, we can't be tough everywhere!

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