Thursday, July 22, 2010

4H Camp

Memories of 4H camp:

getting on bus with Tina...I notice it is 90% female on the bus he picked. I walk up to the bus, knock on the window and say, "You're dad would be're on a bus full of girls."
Noah glances down at me with a full grin and says, "I know!"

It was hard not seeing or talking to him for 4 days but I sent a letter each day. One note was written inside the envelope. One required him to twist and turn the note in different directions to read it. I knew he'd be homesick and I just wanted to make him laugh...if even from a distance.

When he got off the bus, he saw me from a distance and headed straight to me for a big, long hug. I had so hoped he would be excited and have so much great stories to share but he said he Did. Not. Have a good time. I think more than anything it was because he doesn't like being away from us - and because he didn't really have any friends who went, other than Tina and she was in a different part of camp.

He did love the outdoor cooking class, it was his favorite. He came home with lots of recipes and rules, which he used to correct me every time he saw me in the kitchen!

Although he loved canoe class at Trooper Island, he wasn't too fond of it at 4H camp. He said his partner was, " the tiniest, bossiest kid in the world" who didn't lift a finger, other than to order him around. At one point Noah said he he broke and shouted, "Dude! Shut your mouth and help out and we'll get there faster, K?!" (I can so see him doing

He enjoyed the "polar bear plunge" where they got to leave their cabins EARLY in the morning for a swim. He wasn't thrilled with the first day though because Tina forgot to show up and he found himself "alone".

I think one of the biggest reasons he didn't enjoy camp was the weather. It was noted that it hottest day in history of camp, at least for the past 15 years or so. Being a little spoiled to air conditioning, sodas and video games - it was a bit of culture shock, I think.

Aside from the dramatic tales he shared, I think (or least I hope) that he enjoyed camp. He made some good memories, even if he decides to not repeat them next year!

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